Getting pre-approved for a Mortgage prior to house hunting can have many different benefits and can save you a lot of time and anxiety. One of the most important benefits is it allows you to know your budget by knowing exactly what you have been pre-approved to borrow. This can save a lot of time and disappointment by allowing you to focus on houses within your budget. Having pre-approval can also help increase your negotiating power. Buyers who aren't pre-approved mean uncertainty for sellers. By having pre-approval, your offer will instantly look more attractive to sellers. Additionally, pre-approval can speed up the closing process and avoid surprises as the lender already has your information and has approved you for a certain amount. So save yourself potential heartache and stress and get pre-approved so you can enjoy the excitement of the home buying process!
Why You Should Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage
- By Geri Reilly
- Posted
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