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Preparing your home for hurricane Irene

If you've been watching the news then you know that hurricane Irene is scheduled to hit the North East late this coming weekend. With winds predicted to reach anywhere from 50-70 mph with heavy rain, weather experts are predicting possible power outages, downed trees, and potential flooding.

Map of New England Hurricane Irene Impact


While New York and Boston will receive the worst of it, Vermont will still receive some major weather. So what should you do to make sure you're prepared? First things first, stay calm. At the very least make sure that by Saturday night all of you doors and windows are secured and be prepared to stay indoors. If you have any animals be sure that they too are secured indoors and can not easily escape if frightened by the storm. It would also be a good idea to make sure gutters and draining ditches are clear of debris. Secure outdoor lawn furniture and other outside objects that could be blown away as well.

It's best if you have a few extra supplies on hand like flashlights, batteries, non perishable food, extra water, and a full tank of gas in your car in case of power outages or flooding detours come Monday morning. Be sure to check in with local news reports to stay on top of the latest weather alerts and above all, stay safe Vermont!

For more information on hurricane Irene visit:

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