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Holiday Fun; Giving at Hickok and Boardman Realty!

Is it just me or did the holidays sneak right up on us this year?! We have holiday party #3 this afternoon at the Hickok & Boardman building. Last week our company President treated us all to a fabulous dinner at the Bearded Frog in Shelburne. Yesterday morning we enjoyed a scrumptious potluck brunch and Yankee Swap gift exchange which was a lot of fun! But this afternoon's party is special, because the Reilly Team hosts! We call it the 2nd Floor Christmas Party and although it's small and casual, you can't miss it! The Reilly Team and few other real estate agents sit on the 2nd floor of our 6-story building in Burlington and Geri and team provide the drinks while others who's desks reside the 2nd floor, bring the appetizers. We all squish together in the 2nd floor lobby just outside the elevator and restrooms, wear tacky Christmas jewelry and socialize with friends and colleagues. Although small, the party area is fully decorated and has a warm feel to it!  The Reilly Team just loves the holidays! And so does our entire company -  it's tradition to participate in our trio of holiday parties every year!But, in addition to all of the festivities, our company also takes into consideration those who are less fortunate during this special time. Currently we are collecting gifts and various items for the Humane Society of Chittenden County and Toys for Kids. And after our huge brunch yesterday, we took all of the leftover food to our local homeless shelter, COTS.  Also, many real estate agents here at Hickok & Boardman contribute to a special cause or group on their own.  For instance, Geri Reilly and her husband Mike Simoneau, donate thousands of dollars every year to organizations such as Lund Family Center, Howard Center for Human Services, Boys & Girls Club, Sisters of Mercy, etc.  Without generous donations and/or volunteer contributions, many of these non-profit's would not survive! It is vital to our community to help support these social organizations. Please consider donating or volunteering your time to a local cause this holiday season so everyone can feel the love and festiveness this year!The Reilly Team and everyone at Hickok & Boardman Realty wishes everyone a safe, happy holiday and best of wishes in the new year!